1.He was young, a recent graduate, and he was on his way to a labor meeting to cover a threatened strike.
2.I though I'd spend a bit of time putting together a short list of financial tips for the recent graduate.
3.In this episode, we'll be listening to a bad and good version of a recent graduate discussing his greatest accomplishment.
4.A mom of a recent graduate attended a college alumni career networking event with her daughter.
5.Felix, a recent graduate and new employee, goes in to see his supervisor, Ms. Baker.
6.It is a golden ticket by most measures -- one that would put him squarely within the top four percent of recent graduate wage earners.
7.A recent graduate spends two years combining work and study as a trainee solicitor in England and Referendar in Germany.
8.Their daughter, Yang Gao, a recent graduate of Fudan University, is going to start work at Ernst && Young.
9."I don't see shopping in charity shops as a worse option at all, " said 24-year-old Fran Hall, a recent graduate of King's College London.
10.Recent graduate has knowledge with Fiber Optics cable assembly also can be considered.